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Services we offer

Our services support our community, free or at low cost.
If you have any questions please contact us.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

If alcohol or other drugs are a problem for you and you are wanting to change this, our service is here to support you.

If you need urgent help, please go to our contacts page for a list of 24/7 support service that you can call right now.

Whether cutting down your use, stopping, recovering, or staying stopped, our qualified and skilled counsellors are available to work with you and will provide a safe, confidential and non-judgmental service.
What to expect:
At your first appointment the counselling process will be explained. With your consent and agreement your counsellor will begin, starting off with an assessment which involves gathering some information in discussion with you to find out what you may need. The counsellor will ask you about your use of alcohol and other drugs, and any other issues you are experiencing that may be related. The assessment provides an opportunity to understand what changes may be necessary for you, and what options are suitable for you. This assessment may take one to two hours over one or two appointments to complete. The counsellor will develop a plan with you to identify your goals and will support you to achieve your goals and work toward lasting change.
The counsellor can provide support for you to access other services if these are needed.
An appointment usually last 1 hour, weekly or fortnightly. You may wish to bring a support person, whānau, or friend to your appointments.     
Our AOD service is free of charge for adults 18 years and over. Fill in this form to arrange an appointment with one of our AOD Counsellors.

If you are wanting information, understanding, or are ready to make changes and think we can help please contact us. Walk in, phone 07 827 5402 or email us

Community networker Cambridge

Community Connector

This service is free and available to anyone in the Cambridge local area.

 People may be referred to us or they may self-refer. We work with individuals and whānau to see where they are, what they need in the way of access to services and support, and then assist to make a plan. We have partnered with where the process may be started with as much or as little information as desired. Alternatively, please fill in this online form or phone us here at the Community House for more information. 

The Community Connector service aims to:

  • Introduce and connect people to local social service providers, and services offered by Cambridge Community House

  • Empower people by offering knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing

  • Discuss options and help refer to support services and agencies

  • Support people who are isolating with COVID-19

We are happy to meet face to face, online, or over the telephone.
Phone 07 827 5402
to organise an appointment.

Counselling Services

If you need urgent help, go to our contacts page for a list of 24/7 support services that you can call right now.

Life can throw us challenges. Sometimes we might need extra help to deal with them.
If you are struggling with something in your life, our counsellors can work through it with you, in a safe, confidential and non-judgmental way. They can give you new coping skills and get you facing your challenges with a positive outlook.
Our counsellors can help you with depression, stress, anxiety, grief and loss, conflict resolution, parenting support, relationships, life changes and family dynamics.
Counselling is a partnership. It is a confidential and supportive relationship. Our counsellors will help you understand your feelings, behaviours and relationships with others. They will help you understand the choices you face and the decisions you make.
Next steps: If you’d like support to tackle some life challenges, fill in this form to arrange some counselling. You will go on to our wait list, average wait time for a first appointment is 2-4 weeks.


CV and Resume Writing

Options available:


CV Writing Service

You’ll get more job interview opportunities with a sharp and informative CV.

Our volunteers can help you showcase the best of your skills and experience to potential employers by creating a clear and concise CV for you.
In a completely confidential one-to-one appointment you’ll be guided through the CV development process. There will be plenty of questions about the things you do well, along with a discussion about the types of jobs you are looking to apply for.
This is a collaborative process and you will be offered a fresh and up to date CV, plus a model cover letter that you can use to start your applications.
Next steps: Contact us to arrange an appointment with our CV volunteers.


Financial Mentoring

Get control of your money with free one-to-one budgeting advice from our caring and confidential team.

Our expert knowledge and budget mentoring supports you to take back control of your money. Your financial mentor will ask a lot of questions, but everything you share is totally confidential.
Together we record your income and spending. We work out where your money is going. Then we plan where you want it to go. You’ll get the skills to pay off debts, save and plan for the future.
Your financial mentor works with you for as long as you want. We’ll even speak to others on your behalf, including organisations where you might owe money.
We never take control of your money, lend you money, or tell you what to do.
Next steps: If you’d like to get your money under control, fill in this form to arrange a meeting with a financial mentor. 


Food donations Cambridge

Food Support

Cambridge Community House will work with you to ensure you are able to feed yourself and your whānau.

Our Pātaka Kai (sharing shed) is right out the front of our house on Shakespeare Street, in Leamington. Call in any time to see what is available and help yourself.
Generous people donate food, which is available for the community to take as needed, entirely free. You don’t even need to ask.
Cambridge Community House is well connected with other community organisations to ensure you can access Kai for your whānau when you are in need.
We also liaise with many other local social services, so pop in to check how we can help if you require further support.


Driver service Cambridge

Healthcare Transport

We know it can be tough to get to healthcare appointments outside of Cambridge.

That’s why Cambridge Community House has taken over the driver service previously offered by Red Cross New Zealand.
The service works by koha (gift), so you can pay the driver whatever you can afford. Our drivers are all carefully vetted volunteers, some of whom have been doing this for years. They will drive you to your appointment, manage parking and escort you to your clinic. This is especially helpful at Waikato Hospital, where it’s tricky to find your way around.
Next steps: If you’d like to get an escorted ride to your next healthcare appointment, contact us to book your driver.


2nd Hand School uniforms for free

School Uniform Service



New school uniforms are expensive, especially if your tamariki are going through a growth spurt.

Our school uniform service encourages the community to make full use of the gear we all already have, by redistributing it to people who need it.
Our dedicated uniform room is staffed by equally dedicated volunteers, prepping new and used school uniform clothing. This service is available to everyone in the community.
Here’s how it works. We accept donations of quality used school uniform clothing in clean and good condition. We also get financial support from individuals to help buy brand new school clothing. Our volunteers look after the sorting, sizing and distribution, making sure every piece is in tip top condition for its new owner. 
Next steps: Uniform clothes are available to everyone. We provide the clothes for free. We welcome a koha of whatever you can afford to support the service. Contact us to see what’s available.

Support for Families

If you are in immediate danger call 111 now.

If you need urgent help, go to our contacts page for a list of 24/7 support services that you can call right now.

Whānau Support

Life challenges can affect us all. Sometimes we might need extra help to deal with them. Whether its worries with housing, education, work, building connections, or building your whānau we are here to listen and help.

Our Whānau Support team can walk you through whatever is currently going on for you.  They offer calm support and guidance and provide advocacy when that is needed. They are there to support you in achieving your goals in a kind and confidential manner.

Next steps: If you’d like support to work through some life challenges, fill in this form and it will connect you with our Whānau Support Team. 

Family Harm Support

Everyone has the right to a relationship that is equal, respectful, supportive, and safe. 

Is your partner making you feel unsafe? Family Violence isn’t always physical. Does your partner make you feel afraid, hurt you, control or limit what you can do? 

Reach out to us, we are someone you can trust. Whether you want to leave or stay, we can support you. We can listen as well as help you with the practical bits. 

Our team are dedicated to assisting your whānau to have the safe happy lives you all deserve. Every situation is different, so we’ll work with you around YOUR needs and then support you to flourish. We offer help in getting protection orders, trespass orders, accessing financial support, finding housing, and joining support networks…. If that is what you want. Wanting to stay with your partner doesn’t mean you’re choosing to be abused, it’s your partner’s responsibility to change their behaviour. 

We want every Tane to have the tools to find the strength to make healthy choices and live their life to their full potential. We can help there too; with counselling, self-reflection, men’s groups, support networks, employment, and strategies to change unhealthy abusive behaviours. Whatever you need to be a healthy, supportive and positive life influencer/father/partner. Someone your whānau and others look up to with love and respect.

Next steps: If you’d like support, fill in this form. We will arrange a meeting for you with our Team of Family Harm Professionals. They are here to help you.

For more information about staying Safe visit: Are You Ok

24/7 Helplines

  • Safe to Talk(external link) sexual harm helpline: 0800 044334, text: 4334
  • Need to talk? Free call or text: 1737 for mental health support from a trained counsellor
  • Elder Abuse Helpline: 0800 32 668 65 - 24 hours, text: 5032,

Child specific

  • 0800 WHATSUP or 0800 942 8787  for kids aged 5–18 years
  • Kidsline 0800 KIDSLINE or 0800 543 754 for kids aged up to 18 years
  • Youthline 0800 376 633. Freetext 234. Webchat 4:30pm – 10:00pm. For young people and their parents, family, whānau, and friends.

Victim Specific

  • Womens Refuge Crisis line 24/7 – 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843
  • Shine Crisis line available 24/7: 0508 744 633
  • Shakti Migrant and Refugee Womens Crisis line, 24/7, multilingual – 0800 SHAKTI or 0800 742 584

Male specific

  • Hey Bro helpline 24/7 - supporting men to be free from violence 0800 HeyBro (439 276)



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